Ошибка соединения Cisco VPN Client (Error/Reason Messages List)

Reason 401: An unrecognized error occurred while establishing the VPN connection.

Troubleshooting: VPN connection was not established because of an unrecognized reason. Please check client logs for details.

Reason 402: The Connection Manager was unable to read the connection entry, or the connection entry has missing or incorrect information.

Troubleshooting:Either the connection profile is missing or does not have all the information. To fix this problem, you can either select another connection profile, or fix the current connection entry. Connection profiles are located in profiles. On most machines, this is "C:Program FilesCisco SystemsVPN Clientprofiles". To fix this problem, replace the connection profile file from the profiles directory. This file can be copied from a machine that has the correct entry of this file.

Reason 403: Unable to contact the security gateway.

Troubleshooting: This can happen because of multiple reasons. One of the reasons that users can get this message is because IKE negotiations failed. Check the client logs for details.

Reason 404: The remote peer terminated the connection during negotiation of security policies.

Troubleshooting: Check the remote peer (head−end) logs to determine the cause for this failure. connection during negotiation of security policies.

Reason 405: The remote peer terminated connection during user authentication.

Troubleshooting: This reason is not currently used.

Reason 406: Unable to establish a secure communication channel.

Troubleshooting: This reason is not currently used.

Reason 407: User authentication was cancelled by the user.

Troubleshooting: A user hit the cancel button (instead of OK) in the VPN Client user authentication dialog.

Reason 408: A VPN connection is already in the process of being established.

Troubleshooting: A connection is already in process.

Reason 409: A VPN connection already exists.

Troubleshooting: A VPN connection already exists.

Reason 410: The Connection Manager was unable to forward the user authentication request.

Troubleshooting: This is not currently used.

Reason 411: The remote peer does not support the required VPN Client protocol.

Troubleshooting:The remote peer is either not a Cisco device or it does not support the VPN Client protocol specification.

Reason 412: The remote peer is no longer responding.


1. In many cases, this is due to loss of connectivity. Make sure you can ping the remote peer, or check remote peer logs for why it is not responding to the client.

2. If you have your firewall turned on, there might be a rule that is preventing the connection from being established properly. Disable your firewall and try again.

3. Please make sure the group name is exactly as the same as the VPN server group name.

4. Try disabling any firewall software on your PC.

5. Setting your MTU to 1300 or lower will prevent packets from being fragmented and therefore increase performance. To do that, go to the Start > All Programs > Cisco Systems VPN Client > Set MTU.

Reason 413: User authentication failed.

Troubleshooting:Either the user entered wrong user authentication information, or the client was not able to launch the XAuth (user authentication) process.

Reason 414: Failed to establish a TCP

Troubleshooting:The VPN Client was not able to establish the TCP connection for IPSec over TCP connection mode. Please try IPSec over UDP or straight IPSec. Please look at client logs for details.

Reason 415:A required component PPPTool.exe is not present among the installed client software.

Troubleshooting:Please make sure that ppptool.exe is present in the client installation directory (this is generally C:Program FilesCisco SystemsVPN Client. If this file is not present, uninstall and reinstall the client.

Reason 416: Remote peer is load balancing.

Troubleshooting: The peer has advised you to use a different gateway.

Reason 417: The required firewall software is no longer running.

Troubleshooting: The required firewall is not running.

Reason 418: Unable to configure the firewall software.

Troubleshooting: The peer sent an unrecognized firewall message.

Reason 419: No connection exists. This is an unexpected error.

Troubleshooting: Please check client logs for details.

Reason 420: The application was unable to allocate some system resources and cannot proceed.

Troubleshooting: The system ran out of memory. If you think the system has enough memory, reboot the machine and try again.

Reason 421: Failed to establish a connection to your ISP.

Troubleshooting:Failed to establish a dialup connection. View the client logs for details.

Reason 422: Lost contact with the security gateway.

Troubleshooting: Check your network connection. The machine's IP address changed or the machine is no longer connected to the Internet.

Note: The VPN Client is required to disconnect the VPN tunnel for security reasons, if the machines IP Address has changed.

Reason 423: Your VPN connection has been terminated.

Troubleshooting: Either the user disconnected the VPN tunnel, or there was an unexpected error.

Reason 424: Connectivity to Client Lost by Peer.

Troubleshooting: Connection disconnected by the peer. Check the peer logs for details.

Reason 425: Manually Disconnected by Administrator.

Troubleshooting: Administrator manually disconnected the VPN tunnel.

Reason 426: Maximum Configured Lifetime Exceeded.

Troubleshooting: The VPN Client exceeded the maximum configured lifetime for a session. This value is configured on the peer (head−end) device.

Reason 427: Unknown Error Occurred at Peer.

Troubleshooting: Peer disconnected tunnel. Check the peer logs for details.

Reason 428: Peer has been Shut Down.

Troubleshooting: Peer was shut down.

Reason 429: Unknown Severe Error Occurred at Peer.

Troubleshooting: Check the peer logs for details.

Reason 430: Configured Maximum Connection Time Exceeded.

Troubleshooting: VPN Client has been connected for longer than allowed by the peer.

Reason 431: Configured Maximum Idle Time for Session Exceeded.

Troubleshooting: The VPN connection was idle for longer than the time allowed by the administrator.

Reason 432: Peer has been Rebooted.

Troubleshooting: The peer has been rebooted.

Reason 433: Reason Not Specified by Peer.

Troubleshooting: The peer gave no reason for disconnecting the tunnel.

Troubleshooting: In many cases, the VPN disconnect the connection. Check the peer logs for details.

Reason 434: Policy Negotiation Failed.

Troubleshooting: Client and peer policies do not match. Try changing peer policies (try using 3DES, AES, and so forth) and then try again.

Reason 435: Firewall Policy Mismatch.

Troubleshooting: Firewall policies do not match with what was configured by the peer.

Reason 436: Certificates used have Expired.

Troubleshooting: The certificate used in the connection profile has expired. Update the certificate configured in the client profile, and then try again.

Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter.

Troubleshooting: Disable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service)

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